

Predicting the future is difficult for  the cheap luxury quality luxury designer handbags for sale , almost no one is not very good. The more information you guess you have more education is made, but in fashion, divining the potential aesthetic whims of the majority of the public is never an exact science. All you can do is to look at the achievements made in the past, and trying to figure out is what they tell you the future of what might happen, which is why I'm a little doubtful about the shear saying, in St. Laurent Paris classic duffel industry next It Bag bags do not fit the pattern.

Saint Laurent Paris Classic Duffel

The writer Stella Bugbee over-cut, laid her classic duffel future world domination roughly as follows: she felt the same feeling as when she first saw this bag when she first saw Celine The Porterage so she was quite sure that this bag will be the next Celine Luggage handling. If I sound dismissive to say, I certainly do not intend, intuitive moment, it was a fashion career, those kinds may mean a lot. In fact, I agree with the Bugbee bags sell quite well, in all likelihood. This is a marquee piece from a well-known and controversial designer, just open the helm at the world's largest fashion houses - it is an abomination by God to poor sales, is not true.

However, the problem is that it is not anything. The Fendi Baguette bag, the Celine luggage handling history is very short, they have some details not to be missed, this is a unique closed or a giant padlock or provocative speaker gussets. The classic a duffel definition design characteristics may be, it does not define the characteristics of the design, and which may be done deliberately and perhaps even a bit clever, it is not possible to reach and grab enough customers to become a runaway , wait, listing hits.

Bugbee mentioned in her work, bags occupy a special profit of their financial success in the fashion industry, a brand is the most important. However, she does not mention is how it affects a plastic bag for what must be successful. Enough units to achieve the state of the "IT BAG", must be designed to attract customers to have more restrictions than the hardcore fanatics interested in fashion Slimane follow the antics, since his arrival in Saint-Laurent cheap luxury quality luxury designer handbags for sale . This means that it must be identifiable, unique, memorable; This bag can be said is a failure in all three.

